
*** The pictures posted in this blog are my personal creations! I hope you enjoy! *** You can also follow me on FACEBOOK at

Friday, July 15, 2011

You have to speak up....

Happy Friday to everyone. I didn't blog yesterday because we didn't create anything, again!! 

Yes, this would be day 2 of no technique. I found this to be VERY odd because Chef Ralph is an excellent chef. So... I spoke up. I grabbed the Syllabus, took a look at it, marked off all the techniques we were supposed to have been learning by this point and just simply asked him the question. " Will we be learning how to create these borders and flowers and designs?".  He said yes, but that he thought we had already learned all these basics in our BASIC TECHNIQUES class. Which is mega valid! Basic designs... basic technique class?!?!? Anyone?  Yea, that would be a negative. We didn't learn it. Soooo, he said he would change our syllabus up and show us how to do all of these things. Yeay!! Please, please, please lets get some hands on learning . Thus far we are all using our own creativity to make these cakes, which is awesome in itself to know the creative side is there on its own, but how much better would it all be if we actually had some skill! ;) Dont get me wrong, he does show us how to create the pastes and product and does show us how to cover the cakes and the details are awesome.. I think we are all just yearning to learn how to create designs!  After all, thats what makes the difference. But a cake that isnt covered correctly would be tragic, so enough of my bitching. We HAVE learned how to do that thus far. :)  And quite nicely too....

We did learn how to create the gum paste yesterday for the flowers we are going to learn how to make.....except we ran out of gum trag before it got to Andrea and I. Now, now.. pick that jaw up from the ground. I know its shocking that there were not enough ingredients provided to the chef to create something that we would literally be making EVERY day for a week.. ;) Ahhh Le Cordon Bleu staff and President... its so hard to have pride. The only thing  I could sell a person on, to come enroll at this school, would be telling them that the Chef's are excellent. It really is not their fault. I  know they are equally as frustrated as we are because I SEE it with my own eyes. Yet, here is a case, where even if you speak up, it makes absolutely no difference.  LOVE IT! Literally, my classmates have walked into the Presidents office, the student services offices and the administration offices and the results have been less than satisfying.

Ok, on to some positivity... today we should be creating flowers from gum paste. Cross those fingers and toes that we do so I can have something to show ya! Its going to be an amazing day regardless.

Have a beautiful, positive and fun day!  For those special people that are flying today... safe travels! Wish I was flying somewhere tooooooo.


  1. Exactly, if you don't ask, you don't receive! That's my girl...taking control of her education!! Couldn't be prouder of you!! I'm sorry to hear about the school, but I'm happy to hear that the positive thing about it is that the chefs are excellent. Learn as much as you can and keep asking questions!! You'll be in your own bakery in no time flat!! xoxoxo :)

  2. Way to go you!! Take control of the situation and get answers.

  3. Thank you all for these very amazing comments, I really appreciate them! XOXO
