
*** The pictures posted in this blog are my personal creations! I hope you enjoy! *** You can also follow me on FACEBOOK at

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

To BEE or not to BEE :) :) My chocolate molded cake....

Happy Tuesday everyone!  So I finally finished my chocolate molded cake today. I didn't have too many details to finish up, but as half my table mates will tell ya, I have perfection issues. :( I just kept at it, making minor changes here and there ;). 

We painted our pastillage banners today as well. I chose a flower shaped banner and painted the backdrop with light brown chocolate and then wrote "To Bee .. or not To Bee...." in dark chocolate. :) I thought it was catchy! ha... cute? Ah..whatever.. When I finished, the cake looked matted like this:

The picture on the top is sprayed to give the chocolate a nice and shiny look. :) Of course I wanted to get my hand on that can and spray spray away! Yes, like the torch for the Creme Brulee's. :) :) BUT, that was not the case. Bummer! The Chef had full control. I mean really?? Its just a little spray... why couldn't he hand it over?? Booo....
Its cool though, cuz I really like Chef Ralph. He is super laid back, helpful and understanding but definitely not a push over and I am glad to see it. He likes his kitchen clean too! I can appreciate that. ;)  Tomorrow we will go over each of our cakes and hopefully receive our grades. I will tell you how that went!  In the meantime, I promised you some pics from my classmates and I will put up those of people I am close with just in case someone I don't know has a problem with their cake being on the site...

This is Andrea's cake. She did a Magician Theme:
This is LuLu's theme, she did an archaeological dinosaur theme:
This is Heather's theme, she did the Lilo and Stitch theme ( I hope I spelled that right )
And this is Jenna's Hello Kitty theme:
Everyone had really great ideas. I am a little disappointed that we have not been taught how to create anything other than a rose ( of which no one used) along with how to paint onto the pastillage. I am hoping all this changes and that we do learn some cool designs.  I think the wedding cake is our next project, but I am not sure. I will let you guys know soon though! Hope you enjoy the pictures.

Have a great night everyone! I am off to look up a word in the dictionary!!

Ta Ta for  now...


  1. LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!!!! All the cakes look amazing. Not sure if I understand what you meant about only being taught to make Roses, all the cakes show different. Some wonderful designs!!

    Congrats on the decorating so far. I can't wait to see the Wedding Cake ;)

  2. Hahahaha... don't I know about your "perfectionist issues", LOL.... so what that I poured an extra ounce of milk into the measuring cup.... hahaha... love the cakes, they are truly amazing. Great job!!!

  3. Wow! You are all doing a fantabulous job!! The cakes look amazing! Perfectionist schmectionist!! You did fabu!! Can't wait to see all of your creativity come through in the beautiful cakes! xoxoxo :)

  4. Great job and let us know your grade please. Also, was the word in the dictionary?

  5. Hi guys! Thanks for the awesome comments and vote of confidence :). The Chef has not graded our work yet so I dont have that info. At Mr. Anonymous, no, that word was not in the dictionary. So re-match pkease!

