
*** The pictures posted in this blog are my personal creations! I hope you enjoy! *** You can also follow me on FACEBOOK at

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Wedding tier one completed... 2 more to go!

Dear Rhett, I am hurt that you secretly envy me and my cake ;) ;) and said.. " I hate you and your cake Linda.. I hope it flies away" .. laughing!! That was hilarious!! It made for a great start of the day!  :) Rhett, of course, was just messing with me. :) :)  There's nothing but camaraderie in our class and everyone is great to be around. We've been through 5 classes together, so we have the kinship thing going on ;).  Any-who, it was a great way to start 4 hours of leaf making, molding, pasting and shaping :) :)

I now know why wedding cakes can start at $500.00. Soo worth it. I'm really proud of this cake and I am not even going to b*** about only finishing the first tier, 3 days later. :)  I also wont lie and tell you that I don't see its imperfections. Uuuggg it tugs at my heart. I am not putting 100% into this, which is NOT good, I know I should. I am putting in about 85%.  :( Isn't it bad that I admit it?   I want to put 100%... ok, fine, no I don't, or else I would... :(  As someone told me the other day, " I don't know why, I just did it".  I guess I will use the same answer when you guys eventually ask me why. I will say to you:  I just don't know why, but I'm only giving it 85%.  

So yea, back to the imperfections.  Some of the leaves are not facing the correct way.. they hang left and not right.. yes, I am still talking about LEAVES people!! Seriously now... ;)  The space in between the leaves is a little off.. I am not happy about that. There should be no gaps, but there are.. I see them. :(  Its also my first wedding cake, so I am learning that in order to "glue" with vodka, that I cant let the liquid run because it turns my leaf shiny. I don't want shiny. I want matte...and white..and elegant and dainty!!  I am learning that fluorescent lighting is turning my white cake, beige.  Whats up with that?!?!?  Whatever, there you have my personal criticisms!  They are constructive though!!  I mean, the leaves could have been placed better, they also could have been put to dry differently for a different look and feel.. blah, blah, blah...

I took a walk, that's what I did... and then looked back to wave goodbye to the cake so I could take a breather...

Laughing.. yup, that's me stalking my own cake.. sneaky huh?   And look at Donna making EVERY attempt not to be in the picture :) That is Andrea to the left, working her purple fondant. She is making a sexy wedding cake.. Lulu in the back right totally focusing on the borders of her cake that are coming out amazing...and Rhett behind Lulu.. we don't care what Rhett is doing. We don't even look at Rhett! laughing.. Im just kidding, he has a Safari theme that I love!!  Heather is behind Donna, you can't really see her, but she is also at our table and she is re-creating her wedding cake, super sweet and fun!  And Melissa, who has her back to the camera, is always sooo meticulous and quiet while she works.. I feel bad sometimes cuz all I do is yap and yap and yap.. Woops... silence is golden right? Dang!! I have to remember that! :)

Tomorrow I start on tier #2! I will pipe out the vines and then cut and mold and paste the smaller leaves to it. I am going to try to give it 100% but then I feel like if I give it 100% and it doesn't come out NEAR perfect, that ... well, you already know. Sad face... :(  I will just do it!! And if I give it a hundred and it comes out crappy, then so be it!

I am still up in the air with the third tier.  I do believe I am going to do a bit of both instead of just one or the other.  I can do that ya know, I am its creator!! Wow, I am a CREATOR!!! That is soo cool!!  I didn't have to have labor pains! OR nausea!! Love it!!

Ok, insanity takes over and I am out of here.  I hope you have a beautiful evening.

Ta Ta for now...


  1. Someone gave me this quote and I thought I'd give it to you: "Adversity has the effect of eliciting talents which, in prosperous circumstances, would have lain dormant."Horace

    So, my little beautiful perfectionist, let the mistakes floweth thru for there thou will findeth thou talent that will floweth from thine self...oh sorry. I mean...girl, you are doing an amazingly fantastic job for this being your First wedding cake! Are you kidding me?? The cake looks like it's flowing in the wind! It looks like a beautiful dress. So create, create, create! You're doing wonderfully! Lots of smooches! xoxoxo :)

  2. I LOVE your quote.. my quote sucks now! laughing... yea, definitely no comparison there. ;) I like to be hard on my self so I can grow!! :) I want to make the mistakes so that I understand why and why not... Going to school in this place really means putting forth your own effort .. in EVERYTHING!

  3. Wonderful job! Let me leave a quote, written by a wise person in 800 B.C. in sanscrit on a wall somewhere in India where monks went to reach Enlightenment, "Linda Guilarte is Grrrrrrrrrreeeaatt!! You'll see!" Well, that's what the history books tell me and, in this case, history sho'nuff was right on!

  4. Awsome work so far but I get the feeling your baking yet not fully seeing what your creating. Never having done this type of work before, you are doing an amazing job, I just wish you would be less hard on yourself. Nice to hear you and your classmates joking around, it sure does keep the day from being so stressful. Did I read right...your using Vodka as a glue?!?!? You were asking for ideas...I really like the leaf idea, can you add a small leaf in between but just below the two big leaves?

    Sooo beautiful so far, keep up the great work :)

  5. Laughing.. all of you guys are hilarious! Thank you for the comments.. its a joy to receive and read! xoxo
