
*** The pictures posted in this blog are my personal creations! I hope you enjoy! *** You can also follow me on FACEBOOK at

Friday, May 20, 2011

Swiss Rolls

Its Friday!! I honestly can not believe how fast this week flew by!  I hope everyone had a great day.  We got into class and started to work on this sweet treat. 

Swiss Rolls:

12 oz Egg Yolk
8 oz of Sugar

12 oz of Cake Flour

1 lb 2 oz Egg whites
.25 oz Salt
6 oz Sugar

We are going to use the split method on this. Literally :) start splitting all of those eggs and separating them! We had to do this at twice the ingredients that I just gave you... ewwy.. I sure don't likey the smell of eggs! But I don't mind playing with them ;).  Anyhow, you are going to be  whipping your yolks and sugar first, then your egg whites and sugar, and then you will incorporate your dry ingredients into your yolk mixture while alternating with the egg white mixture as well. 

Lets get the party started!  In your mixer, put in all of your yolks and whip them on medium high speed. After you see some volume in the eggs, lower the speed and slowly incorporate the sugar. Once all the sugar is in, you will put the mixer back on high and whip until your mixture thickens and leaves you at the ribbon like stage.  At this point you want to place this yolk mixture into a large bowl.

Clean your bowl completely so there is no trace of any yolk.  Throw in the whities :) :) and whip on high speed until you don't see any clear egg on the bottom. Lower your speed and slowly add your sugar. Whip to a medium peak.

Ok, have you had enough of egg yet??!? I have! But lets keep going.  Take your egg yolk bowl and gradually add in the cake flower in thirds.
Fold that baby in, making sure not to MIX. Just FOLD. Once it is incorporated, you want to then add the egg whites in thirds as well.
Fold the egg whites in. You will see the batter rise since you are adding more volume to it with the egg white mixture.
Once you have added the other 2/3 rds, you will be where the above picture is at.  See that volume! Awesomeness. We have to get this baby straight onto the pan and into the oven. We don't want to lose all this volume we have worked so hard to create. :)

Grab your sheet pan, place parchment paper on it and then pour the batter to HALF the height of your sheet pan. You don't want this sponge cake to rise too much! We are gonna roll it later, if it's too thick, it will be that much harder to get a swirl. And if you are a girl, you know its all about the swirl!
Bake at 420 degrees F for about 8-10 minutes or until the cake springs back from your touch.  Cool this down and then flip it over, remove the parchment paper and lay flat. Spread your jam, chocolate, Chantilly cream or nut creation, whatever you want, and spread it thinly on the cake.
We used strawberry jam. :) As seen above you want to take the base layer of the cake and start to roll. Once you get the first roll going, you can then continuously roll it until the end. 
Wrap it up in parchment paper and place it in the refrigerator to cool! Once its cool you can cut up into little spheres and serve.
So, there you have it! I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend. I am off to spend some quality time with my family and have lots of fun! Let me know if any of you try to make any of the cakes or if you want a recipe for any particular cake. I would be more than happy to share with you!
In the meantime, no matter where you go or what you do, please be safe. As you know, the world ends tomorrow! laughing... which hey, it may be true, just remember that on Sunday, a new world is starting :) :)
Night night!!


  1. Exactly...a new world is starting and it will be filled with your delicious goodies! Have a fantabulous weekend with your family!! xoxo :)

  2. It pays to live in the middle of nowhere...Found out on Saturday, the world was supposed to end.

    Is Cake Flour easy to find at a local grocery store?

    How many eggs will I need to equal 1lb 2oz of Egg Whites?

    Thanks for the help.

  3. Thanks girls!!

    @ Cindy, yes, you can find cake flour anywhere. You are in PR though, so I am not sure. As for the eggs, just get your measuring cup out, it should have ounces on there!

    Thanks again for this amazing love and support!

