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Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Devil's Food Cake in honor of my brothers birthday!


Its Tuesday already! Sheesh!! Slow the roll please! First the world was coming  to and end and now time just wants to fly on by like nobody's business!  A girl cant get a break around here. I will tell ya what though, I can get some cake around here! :) And GOOOOOD ones too!

A big happy birthday shout out to my brother Davey!! Love you!  Will see you here tonight for a celebration!

Here we go! Devil's Food Cake so you can go and make your own!


.25 oz SALT

16 oz SUGAR

6 oz EGG
80z MILK

You will create this using the TWO-STAGE method.

In your mixing bowl, place your 5 dry ingredients listed first in the recipe as well as your shortening. Start to mix this baby on low speed so that the ingredients don't go flying everywhere resulting in a beautiful cloud of flour in your kitchen. Lord knows "pick up" is always the fun part of baking. ;) Riiiight.  Scrape down and continue to mix, but not too much.

Slowly add in the best part of the cake, the sugar! :) Dont just throw it all in there either, give the cake some love and place it in there nice and slow. :) Like good ol' Freddy Jackson sang it. :) :)  Mix at medium speed. You will get a dirty sand looking mixture when its all incorporated.

Slowly add the milk from the 2nd portion of the recipe above. SLOWLY my loves, there is no rush in baking :). Mix this on low speed. Once you have incorporated that in,  you will then move into the 2nd  liquid stage.  So add in the additional 8 oz of milk from the 3rd section of the recipe, also SLOWLY, keeping your mixer on low speed.

Once you have incorporated all the liquid, slowly add in the eggs in a steady stream.  Once that is in, add your flavoring agent.. the vanilla! Let that baby mix for just a tad bit longer. You don't want to over mix and you don't want to build too much gluten into this product either.

This  batter is of a soupy consistency.  Once you are done, immediately put these into your sprayed and floured pans and bake at 375 degrees F.

Top this with your favorite cream, we chose Chocolate Butter Cream :)  and cut it up and enjoy with a big glass of milk.. water for me, though. :)  To die for!  That's it! You are done!  

We created a carrot cake today in class as well. This school continues to blow my top.  One of the major ingredients of a carrot cake are the walnuts... yea, they didn't have any. That didn't stop our group from having them though! Our trooper, Andrea the beautiful, got us some on the double!! So we were able to add t hem in and tomorrow I will let you know how that came out. Delicious I am sure.  I LOVE carrot cake..but I have a feeling this one is going to be one of the best I have had. The batter tasted amazing!! Yes, I love batter. I will let you in on a little secret.. i like batter more than i like cake. Oh yea!! There you have it!  Bamn!

Laughing.. I'm off to do some party planning! I will see you guys here tomorrow!

Ta Ta for now and let me know if you make this! I want to make it with you!



  1. YUM!!! and I love the color. I adore Carrot Cake but ur right, without the nuts it's not the same...I don't know you but..."Goooooo Andrea"!!

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY BANIJA!!! Love U man :) all the ingredients for the Swill Rolls. Will send you pictures of the finished product. Have no problem telling you, I'M NERVOUS!!! ;)

  2. Happy Birthday to David!! Your cake looks fabu! Kudos to Andrea for saving the day :) You're doing so wonderfully sweetie! xoxoxo

  3. Cindy! Can not wait to see the result of your Swiss Roll! You are better than me, i dont think i will make that again! hahah

    Thanks for the sweet comments!! The cake was yummy!

