
*** The pictures posted in this blog are my personal creations! I hope you enjoy! *** You can also follow me on FACEBOOK at

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

For the love of croissants..sweet filled and savory filled... say Chocolate!

Mmmm Mmmm delicious! The Chef said the magic word yesterday, you are aware of this, right? Chocolate! We used the second half of our croissant dough today to create a sweet croissant and a savory croissant. Sweet indeed! We used delicious chocolate to fill these and then I filled the savory croissants with pepperoni and cheese. Yes, I tried BOTH!! I know, I know.. I am out the door straight to the gym after updating you about today!!  I mean, this is ridiculous! They taste absolutely divine.  I will show you quickly via pictures how you will fill your sweet dough and how you will fill your savory dough. 

This is the chocolate filling:

You are going to roll the bottom up into the chocolate making sure you don't have any hanging "ears" on the outside ( which was my mistake, I thought you were supposed to have a little dough on the outside), and then continue to roll all the way up, making sure the tip is on the bottom of the croissant. 

This is the savory pepperoni with mozzarella cheese!

Same thing here. Make sure that when you end your roll that your ends are facing up so that it catches any filling as it melts out a little.

These came out of the oven and were AMAZING. I don't have another word to describe it beside mouth watering awesomeness!! I think every single one of us had the same face as we bit into our croissant. :) Yum, yum and triple yum.. honestly!   These tasted WAY better than yesterdays.. But then again, chocolate and cheese... really? Need I say more?  Of course they taste better!! Oh, I can feel the hips growing as I type about these babies... let alone, eat them!

These are most definitely for sharing. :) :)  I dont even want them around me anymore.. too tempting.

We made our danish dough today as well so that we will have product to work with for Thursday and Friday. This dough was extra sticky. Eww.. me no likey!! Too sticky. I most definitely did not enjoy making this dough. I know the result is going to be great, I mean, lets be real, dough made out of egg and sugar and slabbed with practically 2 lbs of butter? Whats not to like!  ;) Someone enroll me in Biggest Loser please.. how am I supposed to NOT eat them?? And he is bringing us Guava, Lemon, Cheese, Rasperry, Strawberry and Pineapple fillings... um, can we say DIET??  Absolutley Not!!

We learn 5 new designs tomorrow! Wish us all luck, in the meantime, you can gain some weight too, by taking a look at what I created and took home today....

Bon Appetit my friends! :)

Enjoy your evening!!


  1. Well, first of, weight, biggest loser, gym and big hips are not words that should be used when describing these tantalizing, delicious, scrumptious, mouth watering heavanliness!!! Oh my goodness!! They look absolutely delish! Wow!! All I'm going to say is that life is here to be enjoyed right?? We only live once right?? We need to be happy now right?? Can I use any of these excuses to just keep eating those delicious croissants? jejeje Fantabulous job sweetie!! Good luck manana on your 5 new designs :) xoxoxo :)

  2. Question...For a plain Croissant, can you mix a sweet flavor in the dough prior to baking? Also, I see you added Pepperoni but can you add cooked meats too?

    The pictures look like your crating Eiffel Tower art..hehehe! Unfortunately, there's nothing you can do about the weight thing and right now, do you really want to try?! I mean the unforgiving combination is there...Holy Cow Croissant and Chocolate :) Can't wait to see tomorrow's designs.

  3. Oh Ginny, the chocolate croissants were DEEEELICIOUS!!! Heavenly for sure.

    Cindy! My little curious one..Why on God's earth would you want to mix a sweet flavor in the dough!! You can, it just wont be a croissant. :) And who knows what that would do to the product when it is baking?!?! Have not tried it. As for cooked meats, I have no idea. I would say "I guess you can".. .but you will only know if you try. In our class, we are not allowed to try. We are to do what we are told! :) So we had a choice of different cheeses, hams, pepporoni, mushrooms, peppers.. a bunch of fun stuff we could fill our croissants with! I chose pepperoni.. you know me! :) Me lovey!!
