
*** The pictures posted in this blog are my personal creations! I hope you enjoy! *** You can also follow me on FACEBOOK at

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The Start of our Baking Extravaganza!

Thank you so much for visiting my page. I’m very excited to start this blog and I hope you will follow me as I begin this new journey!
Most of you know me already, but for those of you who do not, my name is Linda. J I lived in Miami Beach for 13 ½ years and was fortunate enough to have an amazing life and a beautiful career.  In that time I met some terrific people, who today are my dearest friends and confidants.  A little over a year ago, I decided to leave my high profile career and move to California to pursue a new happiness. It was there that I realized I could make my passion into a career, in baking!  It was a very fulfilling year and I was able to reconnect with myself, get in great shape, fall in love all over again, and meet some really great friends too. 
Baking is something that I have always held very dear to my heart and have taken great pride in. I am overjoyed to have taken the next step of enrolling in one of the top baking schools, the prestigious Le Cordon Bleu! I can not wait to unleash the creativity.  Of course, this dream has a goal, and it's to open my own unique bakery that will offer something a little different and special from the rest. 
I hope you will join me as I take this tasty journey.  We can experience baking and pastry school together from beginning to end.  You can see my ups and downs, my successes and epic fails! ;)  We can share recipe’s, opinions and so much more.  This blog is as much yours as it is mine and I am really looking forward to it!
Classes start February 14th. Please come back and check in with me daily.
“Bake” with you soon!


  1. My Lin! I am so very proud of you! I wish you only the very best on this wonderful new journey that you’re about to take!! Please know that I will be here for you to support you no matter what! Just let me know when to show up for the taste testings!! My forks and spoons are ready! I love you tons, Ginny

  2. are such a great inspiration to me, in so many ways. I will look forward to this to help me feel connected in your endeavors. I think as you come up with a great recipe, you should put it on here so those of us who bake with love can feel even closer to you..almost like a julia Julia kind of just say'n. Love you, wear that hat with pride!!!! Ang

  3. Thank you girls!! Your love and support means everything to me! I can not wait to start this, and YES, I will definitely be sharing! We will bake and taste together! Thats what its all about. <3

  4. SO EXCITED FOR YOU!!!!!!!! Glad you started the blog, can't wait to hear how everything goes, learn some new recipes & baking tips which you'll hopefully pass on to us, and someday taste some treats! Bake your a** off, hahahahahah!!!
    Luvs, Danielle :-)

  5. Thanks Danielle! It means very much to me and i promise that i will!! xoxo

  6. I cant wait to reap the benefits of having a sister that can bake! good luck youll do great!

  7. I am very prud of you lil sister and anything I can do for you FIRST as a brother and second as a video and marketing pro let me know! Glad you are following your dreams and you can count on us to lift you over the road blocks...I love you!

  8. Brothers! Thank you so much for the love and support! It only makes me work harder towards my goal. <3

  9. "M"...I have read all the Bloggies so far and U have such wonderful Family and Friends who clearly love you, support you and wish the BEST for you. I too wish you all the success (which is a given knowing the passion you have for this craft) and much FUN in the process! Now, that being said you know what a GREAT baker I am so I will be checking in daily for your Bloggies in hopes of someday learning how to bake something EDIBLE! Wuv u buddy :) Part of a great life is about making it fun...Bon Appetit!

    Just one more thing...Be nice to the rejects. Hehehe!

  10. I can't wait for you to start baking and sharing recipes... I've got my apron and whisk ready to go!!! My only regret is that I am not there to personally taste :) xooxoxo

  11. Thanks for all the beautiful wishes, support and for the equal love of baking! (Or at least tasting) :). I cant wait to get started. xoxo

  12. I'm a Follower and Believer!! Love you. Much success on your new Endeavor. I will be there opening day and always....hugs, Luisa
