
*** The pictures posted in this blog are my personal creations! I hope you enjoy! *** You can also follow me on FACEBOOK at

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Creaming my way to delicious cookies

Hello, Hello. I hope everyone is having a nice week.  I am loving mine.  Today was a good day. It was more of a lecture and "getting to know" our Chef day.  I'm not sure if I mentioned it before but our Chef for the P&B Technique course was out for a few. She was back today and she is super cool with a pleasant and fun personality. Makes for a good class! I like her teaching style.  I think we have some of the same pet peeves which is awesome because we are learning the basic techniques.  Doing things her way means it will more than likely be my way too in the future.. give and take a few things ;)

So that said, I was happy to know that I was not the only person who didn't really LOVE those chocolate chip cookies we made. I did mention it to the Chef because I wanted to figure out what went went wrong.  I should have known better because the answer was simple: Play with the ingredients.  She did say that the course was more to learn different PROCEDURES vs making a good Chocolate Chip Cookie. :) I couldn't agree with  her more. I will learn from this FAIL and create my own. It still would have been nice to enjoy a freshly baked YUMMY cookie. Maybe tomorrow! We finished up our Ice Box cookies and created them in two styles, Swirl and Checkered. I totally struggled with the "Swirl" process because I made the dough too thin, and then too thick, and then it broke in my hands. I was frustrated. But, I swirled that baby so I will let you know how it came out tomorrow.

These two cookies use the Creaming method.  Creaming is basically the order and process in which the ingredients go into the bowl. Once I create a really good recipe for those chocolate chip cookies, I will post it so we can all go a little cookie crazy.

For those of you who are baking with me, if you want crispier cookies, it requires less moisture, so higher amount of sugars and fats.  Softer cookies require more moisture, so less sugar and fats. And for those of you who like them chewy as I do, you want high sugar and liquids and less fat.

So bake away and let me know what your favorite recipe's are.  Maybe I can offer you a few ways to tweak them. As for the food and sanitation portion of my day, boy oh boy!! Wash your hands and PLEASE, if you know what's good for you, use a "single-use" paper towel. Germs are all over the place and the best thing you can be, is AWARE. So that is my good deed for the day :).

P.S. I learned today that hand sanitizers most definitely do NOT replace hand washing. If used too often, your body actually becomes immune to it. 

Ta Ta for now!


  1. Well, your first week is almost over and it seems like you've been hard at work in school (Class time)and home (Homework). They say, hard work has its rewards...sounds like your well on your way.

    There's always one or two teachers in our lifetimes who stand out above all others and help guide us to success, I'm glad to know you can relate to your chef.

    "Your never to old or too achieved to learn"...being honest about the not so great cookies just shows what an asset you and others like you are to the SCHOOL! Challenge, and the rest will follow ;)

    Being a cookie lover myself, I enjoy all three styles (Crispy, Soft and Chewy) so thanks for the tips, I'll try them all.

    I too am not a fan of the Hand Sanitizers. Soap and water all the way!!!! "M" Thanks for the Good Deed of the Day.


  2. By the way, just one more thing. What is a P&B Technique?

  3. Im glad the tips help! Anything else you want to know, just ask away. P&B is Patisserie and Baking :) Sorry, I should have written it all out. XO

  4. Chocolate chip cookies are VERY hard to make... good ones that is!

    I am a huge germo-phobe so agree... wash hands alot and use paper towels... :)
