
*** The pictures posted in this blog are my personal creations! I hope you enjoy! *** You can also follow me on FACEBOOK at

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Butter Tea Cookie Debut :)

Happy Tuesday everyone :)  Yes, I really am always this happy. So, today was awesome. I really am enjoying my techniques class and all of my classmates. Who ever thought learning could be so much fun? It's a super cool group and totally love the Chef's teaching style.  I know, I know, I have said that 3 times already. You all know how important that is though.. boring teacher = snails pace class. Vibrant teacher = not enough hours in a day ;)

As time goes on we should be getting better at what we do and hopefully a little quicker. What is most interesting to me are the details of  what to use, when and why.  Super fun facts that every baker should know.  Lets get down to the nitty gritty.  We had two demo's today. The pictured Butter Tea Cookie's and Biscotti.  My apologies for the NOT SO GREAT pictures.  My camera decided to die on me and I think its nicer to actually SEE what I am talking about , so for now you will get the Camera phone version . Boo.

We worked individually today which was nice. I was kind of testing myself to see how good I did on time with prep and procedure. I will give myself a pat on the back, I did good :)  The Butter Tea cookies will definitely be good with Tea.. not so much on their own.  A little Venezuelan Coffee wouldn't go so bad with these babies either. Or as my classmate told me today, "but, they are TEA cookies".. I cant help it. I love Coffee.  The jam in the middle of these guys gives it a little more kick and flavor, but on their own, they could be a little dull. I happen to love tea, so these may just stay with me.

These are pretty easy to make. We used cake flour which has less protein in it than regular flour. The less protein in your flour, the softer your product will be.  We used pastry flour for the biscotti, which has more protein for that hard texture.  The Biscotti will be double baked to perfection. Ooh! Just a fun fact for you, the Italian word Biscotto means "twice cooked"! Biscotti is its lovely plural name.

Tomorrow we have to make the Butter Tea Cookies again for a Practical.  We must produce 12 beautiful cookies to the Chef. Wish me luck! Its for our grade so I'm kind of nervous because I struggle in the decoration department. Those swirls look cute but its not the easiest for me to do. The prep and the dough are second nature but those details.. uuugghhhh I need to practice.

Have a beautiful evening and I will tell you how the Biscotti come out!


  1. Lin! The cookies look delish! I know you will do fantabulous tomorrow and I wish you the bestest of luck :) And...I love learning about words!! Never knew the origin of Biscotti!! Thank you for sharing that...I'm keeping that little tidbit for future use! Can't wait to hear how super you did tomorrow!! Tea, tea...I mean...ta ta! xoxo

  2. Good Luck and Whats the Jam? Is it baked with the cookie or added after?

  3. I had the priviledge to try these cookies and they were so good. Not too sweet just had the right touch of sugar. I brought some of these cookies to work so my coworkers can have some sweets and they LOVED it! We all are looking forward for own bakery to open ;)

  4. Linda,
    Your butter tea cookies were melt-in-mouth delicacies that offered the challenge of "bet you can't eat just one:)"! We appreciated Noemi bringing them into work and allowing us to sample what only the finest pastierisses in Europe can match! Please open one of your bakery chains here in the Orlando, FL area.

    Thank you, Kathy (a grateful co-worker of Noemi's)

  5. Wow Kathy, I am so very grateful for that amazing compliment! Thank yo so much! That means very much to me to hear the feedback. I am truly happy that Noemi was able to share them! After all, thats what this blog is about.. sharing! Thank you for reading and for TASTING too! xoxo

  6. Thank you Noemi.. such a sweet compliment and I am very appreciative of it! Thank you for sharing these with your co-workers and for spreading the word! It's what gives me that fuel to keep doing what I am doing so I can open up OUR bakery! xoxo
