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Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Vanilla Bavarian Cream and Creme Anglaise...

What does not kill you makes you stronger!!  Noted!!

Off we go. We made Vanilla Bavarian Cream today as well as a Mango Sorbet and a Creme Anglaise that we will use as the base of our Vanilla ice cream for tomorrow. 

The process is not difficult. Let me give you a recipe first  and then walk you through the process. :)

Vanilla Bavarian Cream

.75 oz GELATIN

Creme Anglaise:
4 oz SUGAR
.25 oz VANILLA


Whip up your heavy cream to a soft peak and set it aside.
While you do that ,you will have milk and the vanilla extract in a pan on the stove with 1/2 the amount of sugar noted above, heating up until it simmers. When you see its getting to a simmering point, grab your egg yolk and the other 1/2 of the sugar, place into a bowl and whip together until blended. 

At this point you want to bloom your gelatin. So add the cold water into the gelatin and slightly stir and set it aside.

Temper the milk into the yolk mix while whisking the eggs. You want to continue to whisk so that the heavy milk does not cook your eggs! Yucky, that would sooo not taste good. ;)  Add another third of the milk into the yolk mix and continue to whisk.  You want to then take your egg mix and pour it all back into the pan that still holds the other third of the milk that you did not temper into the eggs.  Place the pan back on the stove at a medium-low heat and stir the mixture until you don't see any more bubbles on the cream from the whisking.

Once it is at a thicker consistency, but not too thick, take the pan off the stove and add the gelatin right away.  Let it completely melt into the cream and constantly stir slowly.  Place your pan into a bowl full of ice to cool the cream down, as shown:

Once it is cool, you want to fold in your whipped cream in thirds. Do not fold this too much, you dont want to create any more air bubbles into the cream.

As soon as the cream is incorporated, you will have a very nice smooth, great tasting cream.  :)

Place the cream into your pretty bowls and garnish with your favorite topping.. Oreo pieces, marshmallows, fruit, nuts.. anything you would like.  I put EVERYTHING into mine. :) :)  If you put this in the cooler, you will change the consistency of the cream as it contains gelatin.. If it is in the cooler, you can bake a cake and use this as its filling! Mmmmm

Give it a shot!

I'm out of here! Will see you back here tomorrow! Have a beautiful evening!



  1. Wow, your picture looks like Cookies and Cream on steroids...hehehe! And what a process! Can't wait to see tomorrow's treat.

  2. Exactly!!! What doesn't kill you makes you stronger!! Amen to that!! Loving the pics!! You desert looks yummy with the Oreo! I hope you have fun with ice cream today! xoxoxo :)

  3. Thanks girl, this one didnt end up being a favorite, but hell, its in the books as "completed"... so we know how to make it. :) :)
