
*** The pictures posted in this blog are my personal creations! I hope you enjoy! *** You can also follow me on FACEBOOK at

Friday, June 3, 2011

Its a wrap...Chocolate Genoise Cake with Vanilla Swiss Buttercream

Are we all super happy that it is Friday??  Of course we are!  Me lovey Friday's... but actually, me lovey ever day. I know, I know.. roll your eyes. I can't help it. It's how I feel! :) 

Today was the second day of our practical and we had to assemble and decorate our cakes and  then wait for them to be graded. Yes, she literally took 5-8 minutes with each of us, cutting into and tasting every cake. There are 40 of us. :) :) Need I say more?  She was very detailed, which I actually really appreciate. It's the little things that count, right?  It's those small details that make the BIGGEST of differences.  

She was happy with my cake and said that I needed to work on making sure my layers are equally sized when cutting.  Apparently, as you can see in the picture, my second layer was too thin.  The Genoise is generally a dry cake, but after the Chef cut into this cake and tasted it, she was very pleased that it didn't taste like a dry Genoise.  YEAY!  That is a great compliment and I will eat it up all day long.. and skip eating the cake. ;)  Smart decision when you know you have to work all those calories off later. :)

We had to practice writing on the cake too. We were told to keep it rated "G".  I know someone who would say that is NOT A PROBLEM. Booo.... So I kept it happy and Rated G. Really innovative too huh? I love you! hahaha... It beats writing Happy Birthday! My buddy Rhett wrote, "Make Love Not War". Sa-weeeet!! Loved that! Now he is the innovative one. Totally standing next to him in the  next class. ;)

I am outtie!  Our test got pushed to Monday, that made me so happy!  I was exhausted yesterday and could not focus on anything.  :( I will make sure to go over the notes and chapters tomorrow. :) We must get an "A". It's our only goal for the weekend... Ok, that is so not true. Sunday I have a goal, and I am gonna make sure I get to our destination and back! Very exciting!!

Enjoy your weekend everyone. :)   I will see you back here on Monday. We will be making two cakes and one of them is an Angel Food Cake. Mmm... light and fluffy.

See you then,



  1. Awwww...loving the cake! It's so sweet! And it's not dry tasting, Yeah!!! Mucho Kudos to you sweetie! Fabu job!! Good luck on you test on Monday, at least you get more time to study! Have a fantabulous weekend! xoxoxox :)

  2. Good to know you have more time for your test. You have more will power then me...I would not be able to JUST eat the cream! Hope you had a good weekend :)

  3. Thank you girls! It was a yummy cake.. I gave it away of course ;) xoxox
