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Thursday, May 26, 2011

Lady Fingers..working their way into becoming Tiramisu :)

Hello all!

Tomorrow is Friday Fun-day! :) :)  I have to give a MUCH deserved shout out to my besty Cindy for taking the time to make not just the Swiss Roll, but the Devil's Food Cake as well! Thank you so so very much for making those and for sharing your experience with me! It brought the hugest smile to my face. I am honored! I think its amazing and I am so glad you found it to be fun and relaxing! No matter what the result was. ;) The first time around is always difficult, but its practice that makes perfect.  You are awesome Cindy!  That means very much to me...

What a sweetheart!  My apologies for this being a little late.  We created the lady fingers that will be soaking up all our yummy Mascarpone Filling tomorrow! You got it, we are making Tiramisu on a Friday.  This kind of puts me in a jam, as I have a 3 hour drive back to my city, Miami Beach!!  I am absolutely VERY Excited as I am going to see some very special people. I can not wait.

But this is about baking, so lets bake! I have never been a Tiramisu fan.  Yes, for the obvious reason stated before :) I don't likey milk or anything white! Laughing.. Sooo, this is going to be dropped off before the road trip, that's for sure! The Chef said that a few ingredients may accidentally fall into our Mascarpone... and I hope everyone else's drops into mine too! Yes, liquor.. its a beautiful thing ;).  Hmmm, maybe if I close my eyes and not look at the COLOR, I can enjoy... yea! That's it. I am totally going to give that a try! Wish me luck, and no, at that point, I wont drink/eat and drive.  Although, my friend Lulu said the most adorable thing today. She said she thought Tiramisu was a drink. :) And although I do not doubt this is a drink in many a bar, it is still a baked dessert.. and one that is going to be devoured by plenty a classmate tomorrow. ;)

Let's get you the recipe in case you want to make this Latin lover.  To make the lady fingers, we used the same split-egg method as we used for the Swiss Roll. I didn't take a bunch of pictures for you today because I already took them for the Swiss Roll, so if you could kindly refer to that posting for the step by step photo option. :)


3 oz SUGAR

5 oz SUGAR


Remember, you are whipping those yolks until you see them rise and then gradually add in the sugar. Whip until you get to the ribbon stage.  The in a separate bowl, whip the egg whites, gradually adding the sugar, and whip to a medium peak.  Start to fold in your pastry flour, in thirds, into the Yolk mix, alternating with the whipped egg whites... End this process with egg whites as the last thing you fold in. Incorporate your lemon juice and pipe these babies onto  your sheet pan!  They need to go immediately into the oven at 375 degrees F.

These bake fairly fast. You do not want them to have too much color, just a faint shade. Cool them off and you will be ready to create your Tiramisu. :)

I am not sure if I will have time to send you a posting for tomorrow's Tiramisu, BUT, I do promise to post it for Monday as it is Memorial Day and we do not have class.  Remember, this is not just a day off! This is a day where we remember those individuals who died serving our amazing nation.  Please take the time out to remember why we have the great freedom and rights that we do.

I hope you have an amazing long weekend! Enjoy the sun, enjoy your friends and family and I will see you back here before you know it!

Take good care,



  1. Have a wonderful deserve it! Can't wait to see the pics when you post them! xoxo

  2. Hang in there...know how much you LOVE milk ;) Awww...Sun-n-Fun! Have a Great time in MB. Baking 101 update...Well, the Swiss Roll was NOT a success but trying to perfect the cake for the Roll I acutally made a giant Fortune Cookie (LMAO)!!!! Have to say, I had such a great time, today I tried to bake the Devil Food Cake w/Chantilly Cream. The cake was a success however, the Cream met with a tragic watery death. So I took ur advise, ressurected the cream and added it to the cake...YUM!

    Muah! Thanks for all your help!!!

    Everyone have a good Memorial Day (Never Forgotten)

  3. Thank you girls! I had the best time in Miami, I miss it dearly. xoxo
