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Sunday, February 13, 2011

And she's off!

Well, the time has come.  Tomorrow, bright and early, I will send myself off to school! I will once again enter into the Academic world after 15 awesome years. I cant wait! I hope I can still retain information like I used to (wink). I have been told that my Kit is somewhat heavy and that the books are as well. Does that mean a backpack? A rolling bag?  I guess I will know more tomorrow.  Its time to leave the Louis behind and walk in with... a Trapper Keeper? Laughing.. do they even make those anymore? :) :)

Wish me luck everyone! I will be Posting again tomorrow to tell you all about our first day at Le Cordon Bleu.

Enjoy your evening.


  1. Can't wait to hear how it goes!!!

  2. Looks like we have to wait until tomorrow Danielle!

  3. HA HA HA....Trapper Keeper! "M" Watch Out...your showing your age. Cool, you got your kit now make sure you count everything and all your hammers, screwdrivers, pliers, rulers and nails are there. You'll need them to build your closet for your Louies.

    Oh wait...wrong school...never mind :)

    Oh nooo, I'm losing my mind...I too am impatient, I want to start eating all those treats!!!

    Lets hope day two is COOKIE DAY...Yay!!!!!
